

0 pretty words


One old photo of Sam which was taken on her first day with us. It's strange to think that two months have passed so fasted and Sam isn't such a fluffy ball of baby-cuteness any more. Now she's a young lady, so slim and graceful... Well, not when she's unable to turn on the corner and smashes, head-first, into a trash bag... 

Let's just enjoy those last baby-photos! ^_^

6th of June 2012
5 pretty words

Taste of Summer.

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First, I must apologize in front of all my Estonian watchers, because you are probably sick and tired of strawberries. You've eaten them so much and your friends keep on posting strawberry photos to Facebook. 

But when my wonderful neighbour, who has been featured in this blog too, suddenly showed up behind our door with a big box of strawberries, I knew that I had to take some yummy photos.

But yeah, this is how summer tastes like. Strawberries with sugar and milk. Add a bit of Cuba Libre and grilled meat... 

10th of July 2012
2 pretty words

If I had thumbs...

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"If I had thumbs, they'd be green!" 

I.'s herb garden.

And of course Sam who is checking it out and plotting evil plans, because it's so nice to run through the lettuce and basil fields and play with the plants...

8th of June 2012
0 pretty words


Click to see the bigger picture

Quite random shot from the Hard Rock Camp. I loved the evening light and the fact that my friend's girlfriend's nails, hair and necklace were such a match! 

Hard Rock Camp
Vana-Vigala, Rapla County

29th of June 2012
0 pretty words

Are you my mama?

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This is Sam.
Tiny Sam was found about a month ago when she managed to climb into an electrical box that was attached to a local shop, near my workplace. She cried between the walls and behind those dangerous wires for two long days, but nobody could get her out, because she was so scared. No food, no water, no warmth.

We called the fire department, handyman and even the people from the animal shelter, but no one was able to help. I began to worry that she will die in there... But after two days it ended: she was saved thanks to the saleswoman's husband who managed lure her out. I'm so glad that she got a second chance in life.

Little lucky Sam now has two birthdays. :heart:

P.S. The black & white version can be seen HERE

 5th of June 2012
0 pretty words

Sweet Ride.

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A little something from the Hard Rock Camp that took place last weekend in Vana-Vigala. Believe it or not, but this is not a bike or a car. It's a motorized wheelchair. I thought it looked really cool with those skulls and the owner let me took the picture.

Vana-Vigala, Rapla County
29th of June 2012