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Take to the Sky.

Linnanmäki, Helsinki
1st of August 2012
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No bunnies in here!

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Graffiti on the supermarket's wall. I definitely approve this kind of graffiti! I just hope that those carrots last long, because they really cheer up that grey wall. ^_^

29th of July 2012
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Cotton Candy in the Sky.

Click it to see the bigger photo

1st of August 2012
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Summertime in Helsinki.

Some photos I took during our trip to Linnanmäki amusement park in Helsinki. It was such a wonderful day even though I'm not a roller coaster fan. I was much more fascinated by the beautiful Finnish nature and architecture. I've always considered Helsinki a beautiful city.

So yeah... Click on the photos to see the bigger versions.

Playing with shutter speed to get that "blurry carousel" effect. 
The photo was a bit too light, but I still like it.

Boyfriend on the Ferris Wheel.

 The construction

End of summer

Another long shutter time shot. 

"Let's put on our really excited faces, so that our friends will think that we're a bit nuts!"
- "Okay!"

My boyfriend and I in front of those damn machines that refused to give out toys to us. I really wanted that pink Piglet...

Linnanmäki amusement park, Helsinki
1st of August 2012
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The second day of Mütofest. We got caught in an awful rainstorm and after few minutes everything was soaked. The ground was muddy and there were deep puddles everywhere. 

Grown-ups were looking for their boots and jackets, but all the children... Were running around in puddles and playing. Their faces were covered with blueberry juice, they were standing, up to their ankles, in puddles and there was not a care in the world!

Childhood is awesome. 

Kassinurme, Jõgeva County
18th of August 2012
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Kassinurme, Jõgeva County
18th of August 2012
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Up and Down.

Click to see the bigger photos! 

Some crazy shots from our trip to Helsinki, to Linnanmäki amusement park. I'm known for my fear of heights and anything that travels fast and ignores the laws of gravity. I get genuinely scared when I'm on rides that fly people through the air and I find no fun in it. I even get seasick on a usual swing set and my favourite things in an amusement park are those big Ferris wheels and Venetian carousels... I didn't see any classical Venetian ones in Linnanmäki, but it was still such an awesome trip! 

So, when my dear I. was on those three rides, I was guarding his backpack and taking pictures.

Linnanmäki, Helsinki
1st of August 2012
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La Mer.

Click to see the bigger photo

And when the day arrives
I'll become the sky
And I'll become the sea
And the sea will come to kiss me
For I am going home

Nothing can stop me now

- NIN "La Mer"

Folk Festival
28th of July 2012
2 pretty words

XX Viljandi Folk Music Festival

Some photos from the XX Folk Music Festival that was held in my home town Viljandi.

Click on the photos to see bigger versions

Water Tower Bucket Boys.