

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Since the voting period is over, I decided to upload those two photos that I submitted to the Women's Voluntary Defence Organization's photo contest. 

The theme was women and my goal was to show what the world looks like inside a theatre, especially inside the make-up room, because I grew up in theatres. I was a little blonde girl who played behind the stage, ran around in the halls and watched (with great amazement) how make-up artists made people look different. 

These two women from the play "The Cemetery Club" were putting on their wigs, adjusting hair and putting on make-up. I was sneaking around and taking pictures of the work in progress. Since I could disturb anyone, I took all the photos using the big mirror.

Click to see the bigger photo

Theatre is Life and Life is Theatre. Vilma adds a bit lipstick and removes the hair curlers. And then it's already time to go to the Stage...

Click to see the bigger photo

Merle and Luule in the make-up room. With a little help, the wig is easy to put on. The audience is waiting.

Viljandi, Ugala theatre
11th of May 2012

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