

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mütofest 2013 - Day 2

Here are the photos from the second day of Mütofest 2013. 

Click to see bigger photos with better quality. 

Random nature shots.

Usurper Aago the Iron - the bastard son of the previous king - is fighting the current king over the throne.

Clash of the kings.

Before the last blow.

 The winner has been dragged in front of the court, 
because he took over the fortress and imprisoned the king.

The notorious pirate regrets nothing: not even killing the women and children.

Still holding that devious smile on his face.

The lord of Bearhold House, 
just seconds before he cuts the pirate's throat, 
wanting revenge for the death of his father.

The king is dead. Long live the king!

One of the fire-elves. 

The Council of the Wise. 

Waiting for the new king.

Guarding her toy.


Lady Piibe from the Fireys house.

Holding the bride's flower crown.

The new king is arriving. 

Wedding ceremony.

Gods save the queen!

The old king - hiding his emotions really well.

Let the celebrations begin!

Fire elves are doing their magic to honour the new king and his queen.

Mütofest 2013
Kassinurme, Jõgeva County 
16th and 17th of August 2013

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