

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pink Summer.

 Click to see the bigger picture

Something really colourful and happy from the end of the last summer. We met our two friends, grabbed some beers and went to the park. We talked, I took some photos... About 15 minutes later the sky was dark and it was raining. But I got my bright-and-bubbly photo.

I'm not very fond of colourful art, because it never feels right and the colours always confuse me. Most of my gallery is a bit dark and black & white themed, but this one is somehow special and I like how young and cheerful it looks. Maybe colours aren't my enemies no longer.

This is T.

29th of August 2011

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This is what the world looks like through my eyes and through my camera lens. My life, my road, my illustrated road novel.
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