

Monday, March 19, 2012


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I became very fond of those red-and-sepia tourist postcards on my second trip to London. For some reason, it's very easy for me to imagine London in this selective sepia way. It's like the city was made to be old and upstanding sepia-toned with some bold red spots like buses and phone booths.

Anyway, I bought a postcard with a red bus and Westminster Palace, got on the plane and promised that next time I'll try to get a shot like that too.

And I did. It's extremely cliché photo, but I like it. It's clean and simple and the red just pops out so brightly!

This photo was taken behind the Guild Church of St Mary Aldermary, which is situated near St. Paul's Cathedral.

The City
January 2012

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This is what the world looks like through my eyes and through my camera lens. My life, my road, my illustrated road novel.
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